by Marco Coraggio
Synopsis: This video work aims to be a warning on the subject of climate change which leaves no room for doubt: it’s now or never! If we do not act now, we will not be able to halve emissions by 2030, the deadline set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to save humanity from the effects of global warming. A burning topic that now concerns us very closely, because we increasingly experience its harmful effects on our skin.
Soundtrack mixed by Marco Coraggio with very short fragments of guttural and harmonic diphonic songs, traditional poliphonic songs, sacred a cappella polyphonies, popular and folk songs that use polyphony or monodic singing, coming from traditional tenor songs of Sardinia in Italy and than from Mongolia, Maori, Tibet, Africa, Baka, Tuvan, Inuit, Nomads, Tantra, Aborigines, Swedish, Xhosa Tribe, King’s College Choir, Cambridge, England, Stellenbosch University Choir, South Africa, Khusungtun, and many others from all over the World.
Video Footage and Editing by Marco Coraggio
Graphic & Communication Design by Teresa Coraggio
Created NOT FOR PROFIT purposes with materials found in the public domain or released under CC0
Made in Salerno, Italy
Sunday, 29 October ©2023
All rights reserved